Questions and Answers

Use the  Comments section of this page to ask  general questions.

For instruction booklet questions use if possible, otherwise please use format QUESTION WSC/WPC – Round xy when posting the question here.

21 Responses

  1. Vittorio says:

    Hi. I enjoyed your videos on youtube.
    I’ve only a question: Is possible to have the videos from every participants at the playoffs? Could be interesting to look at every player or every team.

    • Zuzka says:

      Hi Vittorio. Unfortunatelly this is not possible, from the hardware reasons only the streamed mix was stored during playoffs.

  2. Berni says:

    Sorry, one more question:

    QUESTION WPC, Round 13

    Coded doubleblock: Can coded clues take values >= 10? (e.g. will 10 be coded with two letters or one?)

  3. Jirka says:

    Hi Berni, sorry.
    Here are answers to your questions:

    Round 11
    Regional snake: Do all snake cells inside a region have to be connected? (I don’t think so, but in the example this is the case.)

    No they do not need to be connected.

    Round 8
    Burokku: Will there be only 8 different letters in the whole grid, like the example suggests, or can there be more?

    There will be only 8 different letters in the whole competition puzzle.

    Round 12
    Mirror labyrinth: Do both mirrors in each row/column have to be differently orientated like in the example?

    Yes they do. Two different mirrors is meant as two differently oriented mirrors

    Inner ABC: I don’ t understand the rules. For example in R4C2 there is a C but from this possition A (above), B (left) and C (right and below) can be seen in my oppinion. Can you clearify this?

    Letters A and B are visible in one direction, but only the letter C is visible both in horizontal and vertical directions.

    Team-Round 3
    Railroad: Concerning the numbers in case of two paths: Does every path has its own numbers from 1 to n? Or do the paths share all numbers and part of the numbers are skipped in every path (eg. one path 1-3-4-8 and the other 2-5-6-7-9)?

    The path has to follow the numbers in sequence 1-2-3-4-… except that it can be interrupted once. Look at the new version of booklet for more detailed instructions concerning this round.

    Best regards

  4. Berni says:

    I’m not sure if you are aware of my new questions, because you answered several questions in the forum since I posted them here. (Unfortunately my forum account is still waiting approval…)

    Here once again the questions, where I’ve got no answer yet:

    QUESTION WPC, Round 11

    Regional snake: Do all snake cells inside a region have to be connected? (I don’t think so, but in the example this is the case.)

    QUESTION WPC, Round 8

    Burokku: Will there be only 8 different letters in the whole grid, like the example suggests, or can there be more?

    QUESTION WPC, Round 12

    Mirror labyrinth: Do both mirrors in each row/column have to be differently orientated like in the example?

    Inner ABC: I don’ t understand the rules. For example in R4C2 there is a C but from this possition A (above), B (left) and C (right and below) can be seen in my oppinion. Can you clearify this?

    QUESTION WPC, Team-Round 3

    Railroad: Concerning the numbers in case of two paths: Does every path has its own numbers from 1 to n? Or do the paths share all numbers and part of the numbers are skipped in every path (eg. one path 1-3-4-8 and the other 2-5-6-7-9)?

  5. Jirka says:

    Berni, I am aware of the mistakes and misprints in the booklet and we will try to fix them in the new version.
    Concerning your questions:
    Skyscrapers glasstowers – the glasstowers will not be marked
    Halfdomino triangular – rotation is allowed and it gives the same halfdominoes as reflection
    Hexa worms – the arrows apply to the entire row
    Best regards Jirka

    • Berni says:

      QUESTION WPC, Round 9

      Star: I don’t understand the sentence “The core of the star is brighter, so the sum of the 5 nunbers on the circle is 20 heigher than the sum of the 5 numbers on the outside.” I can’t find any 20 in the example and the circles found there are probably not the circle mentiond in this sentence. Can you clearify this?

      QUESTION WPC, Round 11

      Regional snake: Do all snake cells inside a region have to be connected? (I don’t think so, but in the example this is the case.)

      Regional tetrominoes: The example seems not to be unique in the bottom right.

      Regional pentominos: The example seems not to be unique, e.g. the F at the top could be simply replaced by a W.

      Regional yajilin: Again the example seems not to be unique: I’ve got a solution with black cells in R6C1, R5C3, R4C3 instead of R4C1, R3C3 and R5C4.

      ABC-Sky with regional match: The example seems to be broken. The 2 at the bottom of column 4 should be a 1. I did not check if it is correct after this correction.

      • Berni says:

        QUESTION WPC, Round 8

        Burokku: Will there be only 8 different letters in the whole grid, like the example suggests, or can there be more?

        • Berni says:

          Some more questions, now using IB v2 updated.

          QUESTION WPC, Round 12

          Mirror labyrinth: Do both mirrors in each row/column have to be differently orientated like in the example?

          Inner ABC: I don’ t understand the rules. For example in R4C2 there is a C but from this possition A (above), B (left) and C (right and below) can be seen in my oppinion. Can you clearify this?

          • Berni says:

            QUESTION WPC, Round 6

            Kakuro domino: The example is still wrong. The 10 should be a 9 now.

          • Berni says:

            QUESTION WPC, Team-Round 3

            Railroad: Concerning the numbers in case of two paths: Does every path has its own numbers from 1 to n? Or do the paths share all numbers and part of the numbers are skipped in every path (eg. one path 1-3-4-8 and the other 2-5-6-7-9)?

  6. Berni says:

    (Sorry for posting here, my account at the wpf forum is not activated yet…)

    QUESTION WPC, Round 1

    Kuromasu: The 8 in the example should be a 7, right?

    QUESTION WPC, Round 3

    Skyscrapers glass towers: Will the places of the glass towers be given, like in the example? In that case the note about not marking them makes no sense…

    QUESTION WPC, Round 4

    Halfdomino triangular: Can the shapes be mirrored? It’s not stated in the instructions, but as the shapes in the example are symmetric I cannot deduce if this was forgotten or intended.

    Hexa worms: Do the arrows point till the black cell or through the whole row?

    Triangular combination puzzle: In my oppinion the pyramid as well as the skyscrapers examples are not unique. Pyramid: 5th row: The last digit could be 2 or 6. Skyscrapers: 3 and 4 in row 3 and 4 can be exchanged.

    QUESTION WPC, Round 5

    Nonconsecutive hitori: I think the rule, that black cells may not touch orthogonally is missing. Else one could paint all cells (or all but one).

    • Berni says:

      QUESTION WPC, Round 5

      First seen snake: The example seems not to be unique: The end in the center can be one shorter or one longer.

      QUESTION WPC, Round 6

      Snail End View Untouchable: The second A on the top should be a B?

      • Berni says:

        QUESTION WPC, Round 3

        Sky coral: Most of the hints of the left side seem to be wrong.

        • Zuzka says:

          Hi Berni, yes, it is valid backup way.
          Jirka is aware of your questions, we will deal with them 🙂

  7. Ashkan says:

    I want to know if there is any classification by age for the participants?
    Actually, My sister in law, has a 2 years old son that can sole the 60 pieces puzzle, unbelievable! So, we are seeking for a Chapmionships for kids.

  8. Kaapo Saarela says:


    Can I participate in competition without buying a hotel room? How much does it cost to participate without a room?

    • Zuzka says:

      Hello, for reasonable cases (people living in the area, …) we can agree on a participation for competition only (no room, meal, transfer, trip), the fee is about one half lower. The requirement to be registered through a national representative remains, so we can discuss details on the registration email.